The sporting facilities at Perry Lakes were built for the 1962 British Empire and Commonwealth Games, however, they are now considered substandard and in need of replacement. For a number of years the State Government and the Town of Cambridge have been negotiating a way in which replacement facilities would be developed with negotiations predicated on the new facilities being funded from the sale of the Perry Lakes land.
The land comprises Lot 712 and is contained within Certificate of Title Volume 2138, Folio 21. An easement for the Serpentine Trunk Main (water supply) exists in favour of the (former) Metropolitan Water Supply, Sewerage and Drainage Board. The Perry Lakes land (the Site) has an area of 1556 hectares.
The land comprises Lot 712 and is contained within Certificate of Title Volume 2138, Folio 21. An easement for the Serpentine Trunk Main (water supply) exists in favour of the (former) Metropolitan Water Supply, Sewerage and Drainage Board. The Perry Lakes land (the Site) has an area of 1556 hectares.
The Site is located in the Town of Cambridge and is approximately 7 kilometres west of the Perth Central Business District. The Site adjoins the existing residential area of Floreat and is bounded by Alderbury Street to the north, Brookdale Street to the east, Underwood Avenue to the south and Meagher Drive to the west.
The Site contains various sporting facilities including a basketball stadium, athletics track, grandstand and associated facilities that were built for the 1962 British Empire and Commonwealth Games. The Site also includes a rugby oval and clubrooms that were built in the mid 1980s.
The Site contains various sporting facilities including a basketball stadium, athletics track, grandstand and associated facilities that were built for the 1962 British Empire and Commonwealth Games. The Site also includes a rugby oval and clubrooms that were built in the mid 1980s.
The surrounding land uses include low density residential development to the north and east, Perry Lakes reserve to the west and the offices of the CSIRO and the AK Reserve land to the south.
The Site is located within the existing residential area of Floreat approximately 7 kilometres from the Perth CBD and 3 kilometers from Subiaco.
The Site is located within the existing residential area of Floreat approximately 7 kilometres from the Perth CBD and 3 kilometers from Subiaco.
Given the Site’s location there are already a significant number of existing community facilities located within close proximity of the Site including Cambridge Library and the Boulevard Community Centre. Retail and commercial services including restaurants and cafes are located within walking distance of the Site at the newly refurbished Floreat Forum.
Floreat Park Primary School is located 1 kilometer north of the Site on Brookdale Street and Shenton College is located 2 kilometres to the south. The Department for Education and Training has advised that all future students from the development will be able to be accommodated at Floreat Park Primary School and Shenton College.
District recreation amenities including Challenge Stadium, Bold Park Aquatic Centre, Floreat and City Beaches, Perry Lakes Reserve and Wembley Golf Course are all located within 3 kilometres of the Site.
Land uses that immediately surround the Site include low density large lot single residential development to the north and east, Perry Lakes recreation reserve to the west and CSIRO and the AK Reserve land to the south.
Under the Perry Lakes Redevelopment Act 2005 the AK Reserve Minister (supported by the Department of Sport and Recreation and the Department of Housing and Works) is responsible for building new sporting facilities for athletics, rugby and basketball on the AK Reserve land and adjacent land that may be included in the AK redevelopment area.